Not my first electric
guitar (that was a Univox
Ventures-copy) but probably my first real
electric. Purchased used in 1978 from the music store at which I was then taking
lessons. The
Ibanez Guitars of the 70s and 80s page has some specifications for
this instrument. Ibanez, in their copy heyday, had multiple levels of
versimilitude. Some of their guitars were precise reproductions of the
originals. Some were more look-alikes than copies. This guitar was of the latter
variety. It looked like a Tellie, and didn't do a
bad job of sounding like one, but it's construction differed in many ways. For
example, it did not have backloading strings (although the bridge did have holes
for them;) The maple fingerboard was glued onto the neck, instead of both being
carved out of a single piece of wood; the truss rod installation was
Gibson-style rather than Fender. An all-around sweet guitar. I sold it while in
college, along with an Ampeg ReverbRocket amp.